New Cafetera Model Yui H

This model has 3 different textures and is about 10 cm tall great protect.Link

Este modelo tiene 3 diferentes texturas y mide aproximadamente 10 cm gran proyecto.Enlace


...kalu... ha dicho que…
very good!!!
to tambien hice un muñeco de papel..te felicito por tus creaciones!

Guillermo ha dicho que…
Is good to know that we have female modelers

Es bueno saber que tenemos modelistas femeninas :D
Jun ha dicho que…
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Jun ha dicho que…
Hi Guillermo, sorry for tipping you off under comments. >> I have a new toy called SK8 released. As well as a set of models of the Xbox 360, PS3 etc.

Could you feature it for us?

Thank you

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